Dean's takes great pride in being able to provide authentic pipe tobacco and aromatic blends for its flavorful line of cigars. Known distinctively for mild smoke, light aroma, and smooth taste, Dean’s offers a more balanced and nuanced experience compared to bold alternatives.
Dean's Large Cigars are skillfully blended for an extremely mild smoke and light aroma. For the smoker looking for a nice, sweet- tasting, and pleasant cigar, Dean's comes in seven exciting styles. There's a unique flavor for everyone, including Full Flavor, Menthol, Silver, Vanilla and Strawberry. Dean's large cigars contain slow-burning, air cured burley filler and are wrapped in a 100% homogenized tobacco. The cigars are filtered to help take some of the harshness out of the taste, so you'll enjoy a smooth, flavorful smoke at a low price. It would be hard to find a better value for the quality.
No night can end in a picture-perfect manner like a night that is topped off by smoking Dean's Pipe tobacco. Domestically grown in a way where true perfection is achieved, this pipe tobacco features a combination of smooth taste, consistent burn, and pleasant aroma which all add up to an unforgettable experience.
Packaged tightly in 6 oz. and 16 oz. bags, Dean's kindly offers popular blends of Full Flavor, Cool Blend, Natural and Smooth. Each package is professionally sealed in order to prevent the distribution of shake and render the preservation of high quality for a prolonged period of time.
SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING: Quit Smoking Now Greatly Serious Risks to Your Health